In March 2012, I accompanied my sister, Rev. Ginger Litman-Koon to Baja 89, a neighborhood in Baja California, Mexico. This area is a makeshift town with no paved roads and very little in the way of amenities. Most people build their homes with concrete and add on as they earn money- and many homes are unfinished, with holes patched with whatever they can use- fabric, pillows. etc.
It felt very much like a frontier, with the dusty roads and people staking a claim to whatever they could get.
Amid the dusty living, technology is in the 21st century- people have cell phones, TV, and internet in some houses.
People here are very hard working, they take buses to jobs in the city or nearby factories. Many work 7 days a week and most adolescents must leave school to work. I went to the neighborhood to photograph but also to make family portraits for some of the residents there.